Thursday, February 27, 2025

Defend Immigrants - information gathered by Progressive Democrats of America (PDA)

PDA calls upon all progressives to defend immigrant workers, and all immigrants, soon to be under attack from the Trump Administration.

PDA also encourages progressives to study, and practice, nonviolence as a secular social creed and a political philosophy. 

 Here are the resources that the American Federation of Teachers is sharing to their members, please distribute these widely:

  • This One pager, is a "Know Your Rights" flyer in the event someone is stopped by an immigration official.
  • AFT is also encouraging immigrant families to have a plan of action in the event there is a raid or detention, This one pager is in English and Spanish.
Finally, Kent Wong of the UCLA Labor Center shared these two videos from a recent immigrant youth teach-in:

The first is the "Opportunity for All" video about the California campaign to demand job rights for undocumented students: 

The second is the music video "ICE" or "Hielo" featuring Erica Andiola:

Friday, October 3, 2014

Action Team Workshop

Action Team Workshop with National Field Director, Dan Kahn: Teambuilding for a Dept. of Peacebuilding & Youth PROMISE Act 

RSVP at the Facebook event page or here at this form.

DATE: October 14th
TIME: 11am-1:30pm (working lunch)
WHO: Workshop with National Field Director, Dan Kahn
WHAT: Teambuilding for Dept. of Peace & Youth PROMISE Act
WHERE: Carousel Mall INFO: 909-262-2880
TBD: Lunch (BYO? Potluck?)

From Bobbi Jo:
Since I joined the campaign for a US Dept of Peacebuilding in 2006, our area has seen some incredible progressive movement in terms of congressional representation and we are closer than ever before to having some support for HR 808 and a smaller-focused, yet powerful Youth Promise Act (YPA). Actually, Dr. Raul Ruiz, U.S. Representative (Palm Springs) has already signed on to the YPA.

But, I have yet to shift gears back into the campaign and actually do the little bit of work towards engaging our Congressional folks and asking for their support. This is where you come in. I think the time has come to build small, local teams who can move forward in each of the Districts.

And, now we have the opportunity to connect with Dan Kahn, the national field director of the campaign, to see how the Peace Alliance has been working across the country moving peacebuilding into the national conversation, especially concerning violence in our communities. I hope you will take some time to consider if you would be interested in participating - in any small or large way - and join us for this informational session and workshop.

 If you have any questions or ideas, please feel free to contact me in whatever manner -- text, email, phone. I look forward to seeing and connecting with you again, my friends!

Bobbi Jo

To get updated on the campaign, be sure to visit the national campaign website at:

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

PRE-REGISTER for the 8th Annual Walk for a U.S. Department of Peace[building]

No great social achievement — from women’s suffrage to civil rights — has succeeded without the support of citizens willing to fund the dream into action. This Walk is about having fun, increasing awareness of and raising funds for the campaign for a U.S. Department of Peacebuilding.

Pre-register at Facebook page - comment with your pledge for contributions raised.
Click here to download Flyer (coming soon)
Click here to download Walk Brochure

  • 0.6 mile walking path
  • moment of inspiration at Martin Luther King, Jr. children's library at Lewis Library & Technology Center
  • moment of reflection at Fire Station 
  • concluding with a light refreshments provided by GROW Fontana
Registration 8-8:45am
Program begins at 9am

All are welcome, including those who cannot participate in the walk. A $2 minimum contribution is appreciated!

Any questions, please feel free to call Bobbi Jo Chavarria at (909) 262-2880.

Spirit of the walk

We are walking in support of the Peace Alliance (the organization spearheading the national campaign for a U.S. Department of Peacebuilding) and the IEDOPNA (the local group) and we invite all to join the campaign and our citizen-lobbying efforts for peacebuilding legislation.

We recognize that our nation and our troops are currently conducting international military operations and that there are many who are opposed to these continued actions. We in the Peace Alliance believe that we can do much to lessen domestic and international violence, including war, and that a Department of Peacebuilding is one such solution.

To help us all focus on the peaceful possibilities, we respectfully ask that all T-shirts, signs, banners, buttons, etc., PROMOTE the Peace Alliance, the Department of Peacebuilding, IEDOPNA, the Youth PROMISE Act or a peaceful message from your organization. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.


It has been said that you cannot know someone’s journey until you have walked a mile in their shoes.  Many of our neighbors in need may not have appropriate footwear for the changing seasons.  This year, we are proud to invite walkers and sponsors to provide some extra giving help by bringing a pair of gently-used shoes that will be donated to a local service organization.  Most needed are men and women’s casual wear shoes (tennies, closed-toe, water-resistant), walking shoes, and work boots in various sizes. If you have any questions, please contact RAY NAVARRO at (909) 452-0353.

The Inland Empire Do Peace and Nonviolence Alliance's ( Annual Walk for a Department of Peace building began with a group of nine women: students, mothers, and a grandmother who walked a course in front of Ontario Mills with posters promoting the establishment of a U.S. Department of Peace. They were greeted with honks of support and raised money for the national campaign.
Since then, the group has grown and has twice hosted the walk on Hospitality Lane in San Bernardino, and last year, in Downtown Riverside three times, and for the first time this year, in Fontana.

The 5th Annual Walk for a Department of Peacebuilding will once again be held starting at the Riverside Library in Downtown. The walk course includes a visit to the Martin Luther King, Jr. statue in front of Riverside City Hall and the reflection area in front of the statue of Mahatma Gandhi on Mission Ave.
The Walk will conclude with a luncheon served by the Social Justice Committee of the Riverside Unitarian Church next to the library.
Please join us!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fontana Teen Summit on Anti-Bullying

  • Saturday, March 10, 2012
  • 10:00am until 2:00pm

"Be the change you want to see."

And... be the help that is needed. Looking for volunteers to help table and talk with teens and other community members!  RSVP here: or call Bobbi Jo at (909) 262-2880.

The IEDOPNA has the opportunity to participate and provide information and anti-bullying resources like a "Dept. of Peace and Nonviolence" will do for a community once it's established. We will also be looking for support for the campaign to establish a U.S. Department of Peace.

Program and Presenters Includes:

  • State Senator Gloria Negrete McLeod
  • We Tip President
  • Covert Bullying Speaker
  • FOHI Jazz Band
  • Former L.A. Dodger Derrel Thomas
  • Representative Joe Baca
  • Kaiser High School Band
  • Cyper Bullying Speaker
  • Office of SB County Schools Superintendent
Join in on the fantastic program put together by the City of Fontana, the Mayor's Youth Advisory Council, Healthy Fontana, Fontana Unified School District, Fontana Community Coalition, South Coast Community Services and WeTip.

How a Bill Becomes Law